Recently a post on the social media site X, formerly known as Twitter, has sparked a debate amongst Torontonians about bike lanes and how people, and even the organization behind he city’s public transport, don’t seem to respect them or the people who utilize them to get around the city.
The original post, shows a TTC bus parked on a bike lane directly at the intersection of Harbord and St. George, which has reportedly been there for an entire week. The bus isn’t just an average city transport bus, it is instead it is a grey one that features the words “event support” on the back which is seen in the original video post.
What can also been seen in the original video is multiple bikers who were using the lane being forced to go around the bus by going into traffic, increase the risk of a potentially devastating accident for the cyclists.
Comments under the original post say that the reason for the buses placement might be because of the fears that there would be a “vehicle convoy” that would have gone through Toronto in late September or early October. As a part of a plan to deal with this potential convoy roads were closed and TTC buses we’re used to block off areas with the one at Harbord and St. George seemingly being a left over from those closures.
Hello @TTChelps how long will this bus be abondoned in the bike lane at Harbord and St George?
— NotSafe4BikesTO (@NotSafe4BikesTO) October 1, 2023
It has been one week since the original post showing the parked bus and recently a new photo shows that the bus is still parked in the exact same spot. When asked about the bus and when it will be moved the TTC Customer Service account on X (Twitter) responded by writing: “Due to a city emergency and TPS operations who are anticipating a convoy, it appears it will be there for approximately 1 more week. TTC is following the directive of the TPS.”
On Sept. 26, Toronto Police Service shut down roads around Queen’s Park and hospital row in preparation for a potential convoy-style protest that never materialised. That was six days ago.
The comments under the follow up post expressed both concern and outrage at how many cyclists will have to go into traffic because this bus will be in the bike lane for so long.
“Is there somewhere it can be relocated to that doesn’t put the lives and safety of vulnerable road users at risk,” said the top comment under the follow up post. The TTC Customer Service account followed up with the same message they left under the main post in the thread.
Another commenter was more vocal about their disdain for the action “Unacceptable excuse from the @TorontoPolice. Their blatant disregard for the safety of people biking as shown in this case needs to be called out.”
Another issue brought up by the location that this event support bus was parked in is that it is actually blocking the bus stop for the intersection. One commenter wrote “Could you at least make a temporary bus stop then…since you are blocking your own bus stop…” That comment did not receive a response from the TTC.
Originally posted 2023-10-02 19:11:43.