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When your day job involves getting punched in the face and your side hustle earns you exponentially more money, it’s easy to see why Paige VanZant gave up on MMA.
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The self-proclaimed “Queen of OnlyFans” says that she made more money in 24 hours through the provocative website than she did her entire fighting career. And that’s big news considering how big of a push she received from UFC president Dana White.
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Speaking with Barstool Sports’ Glenny Balls on the Only Stans podcast, VanZant said that she has earned a “life-changing” amount of money from posting saucy snaps on the subscription-based platform.
“OnlyFans has definitely been my largest source of income, I would say combined, in my fighting career,” she said.
“I think I made more money in 24 hours on OnlyFans than I had in my entire fighting career. Combined. Yeah.”
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VanZant, 29, spent six years in the octagon before being released in 2020 and began posting on OnlyFans, where she now charges $9.99 per month for subscriptions.
“I would say when I made the switch to — there’s a lot of stuff I’ve done in my career. I’ve been really fortunate in my career,” she said.
“Even outside of the UFC and out of fighting has been pretty successful. I’ve worked pretty hard in other industries and trying to cross over, I guess (to) a more mainstream personality.”
After her release from UFC, she also spent time training to get into professional wrestling with AEW, participating in several feuds.
While she acknowledged that the stigma behind posting lurid photos was a struggle for her initially, after she learned how lucrative it could be, she felt she didn’t have to care what people said.
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VanZant says she started her own website where she shared toned-down content compared to OnlyFans to “test it out.”
“I did extremely well. It was life-changing money. I did that for about two years,” she said before noting that influx is what persuaded her to join OnlyFans.
“My content started very PG, I was doing everything like Instagram, plus a little bit extra,” she added.
Now, she has no problem putting out X-rated content, even inviting her husband Austin Vanderford, an MMA fighter himself, to join.
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ZanVant also feels that her background in MMA has helped her increase her profile.
“As far as OnlyFans girls, I am kind of in a different lane coming from a combat sport, there is not a ton of us,” she added.
VanZant also spilled the beans on some the strange requests she has received from her fans: Pics of her armpits and her dirty feet.
And while she doesn’t sell items, she did say that if someone offered her half a million for a pair of used panties, she would consider.
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Originally posted 2023-11-08 17:23:28.
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